Be Still, My Heart
2014 - ongoing
“Be Still, My Heart” is a documentary project about teenage mothers in South Wales, UK.
Britain has one of Europe’s highest rates of teenage pregnancies and, in the eyes of society, this is still looked down upon. I was interested to meet young girls and let them tell their stories through photos and interviews. Meeting them has given me a positive insight into a situation that is often regarded as a mistake. In fact, the young mothers I photographed – whom many see as irresponsible – are proud women and brave mothers who, from as early as 16, fight to defend their dignity with a humbling maturity. Some have experienced domestic hardships, others were in doubt about whether they should terminate or go through with their pregnancies, even though nearly always advised not to. Nonetheless, none of them has regretted her decision, and now many consider their children their saving grace.
(Part of a larger body of work. The images shown here are from 2014 only. All photos are accompanied by audio and video interviews)